Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
We are happy to help you hello@colleaguebox.co.uk
Recognise employee milestones
Our annual gift subscription service is an easy and affordable way to recognise employee milestones and company celebrations. Gifts can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from birthdays, seasonal dates such as Easter and Christmas, to company events or celebrations. Gift contents and themes can be agreed throughout the year to allow for flexibility and company goals.
Subscription Packages
Gift subscriptions are available for companies with 10+ employees. Four gifting tiers enable organisations to send either 3, 5, or 10 gifts per employee per year.
Subscriptions can be taken over 1, 2, or 3 years with greater discounts available for longer terms.
Benefits of a gift subscription
Gifting to a large workforce can take up a lot of admin and resource time, especially if you want to personalise and brand gifts.
Using our Employee Gift Subscription service takes away the time and hassle of sourcing both the gifts and producing personalised gift messages, leaving you with the most rewarding part - seeing the impact your gifts create.
One year subscription
Cost savings discount 5%
Two year subscription
Cost savings discount 7.5%
Three year subscription
Cost savings discount 10%
A typical subscription might be:
Tier 1 - Three gifts per annum - 200 employees
Employee Birthday
Christmas gift (December)
Employee appreciation day (March)
Based on a £20.00 value gift on a 3-year subscription
Costs savings £1500.00
Gifts per year
Gifts per year
Gifts per year
No. of gifts per year
Benefits of an Employee Rewards Programme
For any business to succeed, it’s important to keep employees engaged all year round by having a positive workplace culture.
Whether you're beginning your recognition programme or looking to refresh what you have in place already, surprising your staff with unexpected gifts is a great way to make people feel appreciated.
Consider celebrating company milestones and personal ones such as birthdays, weddings, new homes, new babies or furbabies! Personal milestones represent an excellent opportunity to show how much you support your employees’ personal goals.
Rewards and recognition programmes can serve
your business in multiple ways:
Motivate and engage employees
Success-themed rewards generally create more success. If you’re rewarding an employee for doing a great job on a project or for hitting a target, the boost in morale an unexpected gift provides has a lasting effect.
Poor engagement rates have been directly linked to a decline in productivity; a staggering 85% of employees are either not engaged at work or feel actively disengaged.
Unexpected rewards make people pay more attention to what happens next and can tremendously affect how well employees are motivated.
Boost productivity
When your employees are engaged, your business is likely to be more profitable. In fact, research shows that higher employee engagement levels can increase profitability by 22%.
A positive atmosphere at work is the key to boosting productivity and collaboration, and a happy team in turn will improve your business and make it more efficient.
Raise your company profile
Most people imagine customers when they think of brand ambassadors, however, your employees are one of the most credible sources to promote your company goals and values. Whilst it’s rare to find employees promoting their company’s mission, this doesn’t mean they don’t believe in their company. Most people enjoy sharing their success and benefits, and many find self-promotion comes naturally.
Traditional company benefits, whilst attractive to new hires, are rarely bragged about. Whilst a great dental plan might make it onto Glassdoor, it’s unlikely to feature on an employee’s Instagram story. Whereas a new starter finding a welcome gift box on their desk, or a remote working finding a surprise first-day package at the door, is more inclined to share this gesture with others.
Improve your company's culture
We’ve all seen companies being named the best places to work. Winning factors include offering a great work environment, in terms of collaboration and benefits.
Implementing a culture of reward and recognition can foster a more collaborative workforce and a more enjoyable working environment. 50% [3] of employees believe that thanks and encouragement from their managers improve their relationships.
Rewarding your employees with gifts that are personal to their recognition increases your organisation's visibility and positive perception of your company.
Your company culture is a major part of your brand identity. It also has a direct effect on your operations. Your company culture is a key driver in how you fulfil your mission statement and the promise you’ve made to your customers.
Attract, inspire, and retain talented people
Reward programmes not only incentivise employees to work harder, but they’re also linked to reducing employee turnover. Companies that implement employee recognition programs enjoy a 31% reduction in voluntary turnover.
Rewarding employees for their efforts can have a huge impact on increasing retention. It goes without saying that rewards need to be layered on a baseline of fair pay, promotion opportunities, training, and good leader leadership. However, rewards and recognition are well documented to impact morale, which generates a great company culture positively.
Moreover, your business is more likely to attract new talent if they see your gifting programme first-hand from other employees. It’s likely that many would prefer to work for a company which demonstrates a culture worth shouting about.
Employee retention also reduces recruitment costs, whilst boosting operational excellence. Long-term employees are more likely to grow and develop, helping you keep a high level of operational excellence and customer satisfaction.